Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Thomas Carlyle, a creative and educated man who was considered by some as difficult and cranky, was a passionate man who was destined for love even if he and others didn't consider him worthy of love. He was a man of principle and determination. He wasn't afraid to express his views on what he considered to be the downfall of the European society. Through all of his hardships and setbacks he believed that strong leaders were a must if there is to be any type of social reform


Jonathan.Glance said...


This posting is not really sufficient. You make some broad generalizations about Carlyle and the Victorians, but don't get specific at all. You don't quote or discuss anything Carlyle actually says, and don't even mention the title of his writings. I expect more specificity and depth in your subsequent postings.

Jay Hood said...

They say brevity is the soul of wit, but there are limits. What did you think of his writing and his ideas, did you like him or dislike him? Try and provide a quote or too, as well.

Nichole said...

I think that the reason why he was not afraid to express thoughts was because he was one of the few famous poets to come from poverty. Since he struggled with poverty, poor health, and insomnia, it was easy for him to fight for the poor. It is always easier to write about what you know.